C++ When is a function static variable initialized?
The following code is a rewrite of a singleton implementation presented on clc++ recently:
typedef unsigned int size_t;
class singleton{
static singleton& create(){
static singleton * s = new singleton;
return *s;
static int shift(int x){
static int shift_by = 10;
x = shift_by + x;
shift_by = x;
return x;
static void * operator new(size_t size){ }
int main(){
singleton& s = singleton::create();
int x = 3;
The question was when singleton::create::s was initialized? I immediately thought this code was wrong because in a previous blog entry I have investigated how static variables are initialized inside a function. But at that time, I was investigating plain old data types (POD).
It turns out, as suggested, C++ has a more complicated scheme to initialize function static variables depending on the variable type, as in §6.7/4. Compiler is free to generate code to initialize the variable on the first possible entry to the function to initialize it. For POD and some types, compiler can, at compile time, initialize the variable on the .bss or .data segment. Let's see what's going on under the hood. Again we'll use the assembly output from g++ to investigate g++ behavior. Check out the symbol table portion of the assembly output of this c++ source file (g++ -s -c file.cpp):
.size main, .-main
.weak _ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s
.section .bss._ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s,"awG",@nobits,_ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s,comdat
.align 8
.type _ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, @object
.size _ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, 8
.zero 8
.weak _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s
.section .bss._ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s,"awG",@nobits,_ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s,comdat
.align 4
.type _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s, @object
.size _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s, 4
.zero 4
.weak _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by
.section .data._ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by,"awG",@progbits,_ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by,comdat
.align 4
.type _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by, @object
.size _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by, 4
.long 10
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.1 20060525 (Red Hat 4.1.1-1)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
The code for singleton::create:
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
pushl %ebx
subl $4, %esp
movl $_ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, %eax
movzbl (%eax), %eax
testb %al, %al
jne .L8 <------------initialize on demand
movl $_ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, (%esp)
call __cxa_guard_acquire
testl %eax, %eax
setne %al
testb %al, %al
je .L8
movl $1, (%esp)
call _ZN9singletonnwEj
movl %eax, %ebx
movl %ebx, (%esp)
call _ZN9singletonC1Ev
movl %ebx, _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s
movl $_ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, (%esp)
call __cxa_guard_release
movl _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s, %eax
addl $4, %esp
popl %ebx
popl %ebp
assembly for singleton::shift:
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by, %eax <--- already initialized, memory copy
addl %eax, 8(%ebp)
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
movl %eax, _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
popl %ebp
typedef unsigned int size_t;
class singleton{
static singleton& create(){
static singleton * s = new singleton;
return *s;
static int shift(int x){
static int shift_by = 10;
x = shift_by + x;
shift_by = x;
return x;
static void * operator new(size_t size){ }
int main(){
singleton& s = singleton::create();
int x = 3;
The question was when singleton::create::s was initialized? I immediately thought this code was wrong because in a previous blog entry I have investigated how static variables are initialized inside a function. But at that time, I was investigating plain old data types (POD).
It turns out, as suggested, C++ has a more complicated scheme to initialize function static variables depending on the variable type, as in §6.7/4. Compiler is free to generate code to initialize the variable on the first possible entry to the function to initialize it. For POD and some types, compiler can, at compile time, initialize the variable on the .bss or .data segment. Let's see what's going on under the hood. Again we'll use the assembly output from g++ to investigate g++ behavior. Check out the symbol table portion of the assembly output of this c++ source file (g++ -s -c file.cpp):
.size main, .-main
.weak _ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s
.section .bss._ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s,"awG",@nobits,_ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s,comdat
.align 8
.type _ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, @object
.size _ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, 8
.zero 8
.weak _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s
.section .bss._ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s,"awG",@nobits,_ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s,comdat
.align 4
.type _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s, @object
.size _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s, 4
.zero 4
.weak _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by
.section .data._ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by,"awG",@progbits,_ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by,comdat
.align 4
.type _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by, @object
.size _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by, 4
.long 10
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.1 20060525 (Red Hat 4.1.1-1)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
The code for singleton::create:
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
pushl %ebx
subl $4, %esp
movl $_ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, %eax
movzbl (%eax), %eax
testb %al, %al
jne .L8 <------------initialize on demand
movl $_ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, (%esp)
call __cxa_guard_acquire
testl %eax, %eax
setne %al
testb %al, %al
je .L8
movl $1, (%esp)
call _ZN9singletonnwEj
movl %eax, %ebx
movl %ebx, (%esp)
call _ZN9singletonC1Ev
movl %ebx, _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s
movl $_ZGVZN9singleton6createEvE1s, (%esp)
call __cxa_guard_release
movl _ZZN9singleton6createEvE1s, %eax
addl $4, %esp
popl %ebx
popl %ebp
assembly for singleton::shift:
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by, %eax <--- already initialized, memory copy
addl %eax, 8(%ebp)
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
movl %eax, _ZZN9singleton5shiftEiE8shift_by
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
popl %ebp